Curiosity in the Clouds: My Journey into Cloud Computing

Curiosity in the Clouds: My Journey into Cloud Computing

I don’t know where to begin or how to end this, but I’m scribbling this down anyway because it’s time to share my journey into the fascinating world of cloud computing

This blog marks the beginning of a series where I’ll share everything I’m learning; terminologies, tips, hacks, resources, and opportunities. If you’ve ever been curious about cloud computing but found it overwhelming, stick around. Together, we’ll break it down into bite-sized, relatable pieces.

My Cloud Computing Journey

Cloud computing. Let’s start there. Have you heard of it? If not, let me spell it out for you: C-L-O-U-D C-O-M-P-U-T-I-N-G. Sounds futuristic, doesn’t it? But what if I told you there’s nothing magical about “the cloud”? It’s not in the atmosphere; it’s just someone else’s computer. Surprising, right? More on that later.

Why Cloud Computing?

It started with curiosity and a challenge. I’ve always been drawn to problem-solving—Math was my favorite subject in high school (yes, I was the "best in math" type). That same love for solving puzzles and asking “why?” brought me here.

Joining the AWS re/Start program at Coding Black Female has been a game-changer. Our instructor, Marco, is brilliant at breaking things down into practical examples, and we’ve had two amazing teaching assistants who’ve been incredibly helpful. It’s a supportive space that has sparked my curiosity and improved my thirst for knowledge.

Discoveries So Far

The most intriguing thing about this journey is how it has sharpened my curiosity and made me more thirsty for knowledge. Every new concept opens up a dozen more questions, and that keeps me going. Here are some quick highlights:

  • Networking: No, not just connecting cables or configuring routers. It’s about meeting people who push you to grow.

  • Foundations: Did you know learning about cloud computing starts with the basics, like mainframes and LAN cables? At first, I thought, “Why do we need this?” But now I get it—it’s about understanding the backbone of all modern systems.

What’s Next?

I plan to publish a blog post every month, diving deeper into cloud computing concepts. Here are some ideas I have in mind:

  1. Breaking Down Cloud Terminologies: Making the complex simple.

  2. Opportunities in the Cloud: Certifications, scholarships, and jobs.

  3. The Real Deal About the Cloud: What’s behind the buzzwords?

  4. Mistakes I Made Starting Out: Learning from failures.

This is not just about sharing knowledge; it’s about learning, reflecting, and growing together. Writing will help me document my journey, create awareness, and advocate for more people (especially women!) to join this space.

So, here’s a sneak peek for next time: “What if I told you there’s no such thing as the cloud? It’s all just someone else’s computer. Let’s unpack that next time.”

Until then, let’s keep growing.

Love & Cloud,
